Why Choose Sinorock Soil Nail Anchor

Sinorock soil nail anchor is a kind of drilling grouting anchor bar which combines drilling, grouting, anchoring into one function, can ensure the anchoring effect in complex conditions (rock, soil, fracture zone, etc.) this type of soil nail has features such as reliable, efficient, easy installation. Sinorock soil nail’s drill rod and anchor rod as one part, which can form the anchor hole in weathered rock, broken rock, backfill areas, sand, soil without casing pipe protection, to ensure anchoring and grouting performance. It is easy operation fast and save time, can save about 25% of the workload and reduce engineering...

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Soil Nail Wall

Factors effect the slope stability can be divided into internal factors and external factors. Internal factors includes: the rock and soil type and nature of slope, the geological structure of slope,the shape slope and groundwater. External factors include: effects of vibration, climatic conditions, weathering, slope vegetation, human activity and others. Soil nail wall is a relatively new type of structure, it is mainly composed of soil nail, concrete panel and anchor plates. Reinforcement slope within a certain range of soil by regularly arranged soil nails, panels, anchor plate to form a composite structure of wall – soil nail wall which...

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Soil Nail Installation Process

Soil nail is installed in complicated geological conditions in various construction projects, such as weak surrounding rock, fault fracture zone, high geo-stress, large deformation and other common types of complex geological conditions. These conditions caused great difficulties to anchor shotcrete support construction, especially in severely hole collapse and condition required a longer soil nail, most of normal specification soil nails can not reach the capacity of anchor. soil nail installation process The orbital drilling machine will drill the soil nail to the design depth. (extended bolt connection using a coupling sleeve). Remove the drill machine, install grouting stopper, which is...

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The Functional Mechanism of Soil Nail

Soil nail and soil body can combine together and form compound body, which will promote slope stability and carrying capacity, improve ductility, avoid collapse and benefit for construction security. 1. The framework restraint function of soil nail. Because of soil nail’s self stiffness and intensity, compound body is formed when it inserts into soil, which becomes an integral whole and has restraint for deformation of soil. 2. The load-sharing function of soil nail. In compound body, soil nail and soil body bear load and stress together, so it has the load-sharing function. Because of soil nail’s high tensile, shearing strength...

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